​Access a variety of information and links to other resources here.
Kinglake Landcare Resources
Reading Room
The reading room is a source of useful information and links to resources onkey topics as collated by our members. Please let us know if you find any broken links or if you have a resource that you think should be added to any of the topics in the reading room.
Kinglake Landcare Group has produced several documents which you can access here, including a digital version of our Caring for Your Page publication and various Flora & Fauna surveys.
Local Suppliers
Here is a list of local suppliers for plants and supplies, weed control, treeservices and ecological consultants. Please note Kinglake Landcare Group has no affiliations with the suppliers listed here and the contact details may not be accurate.
News & Media
Stay updated on the latest developments and events
from Kinglake Landcare.
Click here to find out about the most commonly asked questions or that often come up in discussions with the community across the ranges.
Useful Links
Explore these links for additional resources that may provide you with further advice.