Hardy volunteers, including several of our KLG members, rose at a very early hour for the annual Kinglake Lyrebird Survey in July and had a great if cold experience. The survey at key locations around the Kinglake National Park was followed by a hot breakfast courtesy of the Parks Victoria (PV) Rangers. See other MM article.
National Tree Day was a successful joint planting effort with PV at Tooheys Road Bushland Reserve as part of the restoration of a Pheasant Creek tributary. PV has carried out extensive weed control at this reserve over the past two years. Domestic goats were used to reduce blackberry infestations in areas where spraying was not a suitable option and follow-up blackberry eradication was implemented after removal of the goats.
Another of our Local Rural Skills Courses was completed at Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House (KRNH) in July. The Pest Animal Baiting Course was well attended as were the earlier weed and fencing workshops, and the Chemical Users Course. See KRNH information for further courses offered this semester.
Tree hollows, nestboxes and their occupants is our presentation in the Community Centre on Kinglake Market Day in August. Presenter Ron Litjens is a compelling speaker and will talk on tree hollows and nesting boxes for shelter, breeding, and for protection from predators. Ron illustrates his talks with amazing photography. Afterwards you can browse the variety of produce and have lunch at the market.
Tree Project plants are currently being distributed free to KLG members and planted at several of our tree planting events.
Our FREE booklet “Caring for Your Patch” covering backyard garden design, food growing, plant selection, weed and pest animal management and more, is available from Kinglake Library, KRNH, Kinglake Heritage Centre, local garden suppliers, Landcare events, some local shops and servos, and online from . On that site you can also locate detailed vegetation reports on selected local roads such as Captains Creek Road, Murrays Road and Deviation Road Kinglake, Kings Road Kinglake West, Burns Road Glenburn, and Clarks Road, Yea. We also have hard copies of these reports for loan to members.
Current members will have received notice that membership renewal of $16 is now due. New members can contact Secretary John Stewart on 0419 858504 or to join. Alternatively, you can be added to our free “friends” mailing list for notification of events.
Roger Cook
Kinglake Landcare Group